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Life Celebrations

DIY Halloween Decor That Won't Break The Bank

Halloween is all about decoration.  We decorate our homes and even ourselves in crazy/sexy/funny/scary costumes!  As much fun as it is to get into the Halloween spirit, the cost of decorating can quickly add up.  Thankfully, Felici Events is always looking for fun DIY projects and we've come to the rescue with some fun Halloween ideas that won't leave cobwebs in your wallet!  Not only does DIY get you more into the festive spirit, but your creations will often turn out more creative than anything you could buy in a store!

Heart Attack Voodoo Dolls:

A little cloth can go a long way.  Double over some fabric and cut it out in a doll-like shape.  Stuff cotton between the two and sew the perimeter with yarn.  Add whatever accessories you like.  Can also double as a festive pin cushion!

Grow Monster Specimen Jar:

Remember these from when you were a kid?  Take some vases that may be collecting dust in your basement and fill them with water.  Toss in your grow monsters (which can be purchased at practically any Halloween/dollar store) and line your shelves to give your home a mad-scientist aesthetic.

Print-Your-Own Bottle Labels:

Print out your favorite haunted design templates and cover your normal beverage bottles with novel Halloween labels!  For your gullible guests, you may want to mention that they're not actually drinking "zombie virus".

Pumpkin Carving:

Pretty self-explanatory.  Go to your local pumpkin patch and purchase a pumpkin.  Cut out the top of the pumpkin and scoop out the guts.  Save the seeds and toast in the oven to snack on later.  Grab some carving utensils (ie: a knife) and do work!  Insert a candle after you're done carving to light up your homemade jack-o'-lantern.

Spider Web Balloon:

Begin by filling a balloon with helium.  The webbing inside the balloon is made from a commercial product called HI-FLOAT, a solution made for injecting into helium balloons to make them retain their helium longer.  The web effect is created by applying the HI-FLOAT and letting it dry at a set pressure.  Deflate the balloon, stretch it out, and then re-inflate.  The film will detach from the walls and create a sort of web.  Be sure to toss some plastic spiders in the balloon for the sake of appearance.

Bat O' Lanterns:

Go to your local pumpkin patch and purchase however many miniature pumpkins.  Spray paint the pumpkins black and draw your own bat wings/ears/eyes.  Cut out and attach to your now-dried mini pumpkin with a hot glue gun.

Ghost Lights:

Time to dig into your box of Christmas lights and pull out a strand of white lights (multicolor lights if you'd like multicolored ghosts).  Simply punch the individual lights through the bottom of a plain white dixie cup and add some googly eyes for show.

The Future is Here for Your Next Event!!

Felici Events had the pleasure of attending ISES Eventworld earlier this month in my old stomping grounds, the great city of Dallas, TX. Y'all!

One thing that really stood out during the conference was the use of LED lights. They light up on pretty much everything these days, just as the Jetson's predicted.

Club Shine lit it up with their LED dance floor.  I have to say, I love to dance, I've seen many of a dance floors, this was ri-dance-u-lous!

It can be used to show music or live video, photos, branding, logos or monograms.

Did you ever think that a floor could be used as a focal point for entertainment AND decor?

You can see Club Shine's floors in action here:

Want more?

DJ's everywhere are dying to point their fingers on the Emulator, the World’s first and only multi-touch midi controller PC software. Smithson Martin's creation has transformed the look of a DJ booth from a traditional turntable or laptop into a transparent screen.

You can even write on the screen and flip it for all of the guests to see!


Quoting Chip Douglas, The Cable Guy "The Future is Now!"

Felici Events Spotlights Kids Fashion

Wondering how to dress your kid for an event? Here at Felici Events, we've been to a lot of events. And while most of our posts focus on the adult side of events, we thought we'd show the kids some love also! Ever wonder how you are going to make your little one be fashion forward at a memorable event? We found some great examples from past events we have done.  These cuties show that style can be simpler than you think!

Flowery hats are a simple and easy way to spruce up an outfit!




Star of David Inspiration for Bar Mitzvahs

Star of David Inspiration for Bar Mitzvahs

This recurring Star of David motif was a great way to tie in a 'light' theme of one of our recent bar mitzvahs. This modern take on the star was not only featured on the man of the hour's cake, but was repeated in the invitations, dinner menus and table numbers. A theme like this helps an event become more connected and adds fluidity. This subtle symbol is a great way to remind everyone at the gathering what a great time it is for this young man or woman; a time to celebrate the young adult's coming-of age and first of many steps into maturity. Cards and Star of David logo were created by Lazaro Press, who did an amazing job of bringing out the star shape amidst the existing circular pattern.

Christine Dahl of Christine Dahl Pastries paired the offset yellow Star of David with blue fondant on the outer layers of the cake. Between each layer of the three-tiered cake sat a transparent box filled with lights and shimmering sparkles.